Comm Center News

911 Outage Complicated By Failure (HI)

The public wasn’t notified about a 911 outage until about three hours after problems began because the Honolulu Police Department was struggling to come up with an alternate means of communication, officials said Monday. Police are investigating what caused the 911...

Change in law complicates 911 hiring (KY)

A change in state law approved earlier this year complicated hiring for 911 dispatch centers, and state 911 officials are hoping legislators will address the issue in the coming legislative session. READ FULL ARTICLE

APCO Pushes FCC for 911 Rulemaking on Interoperability

The Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO) made recommendations to FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s office to issue proposed rulemaking on additional interoperability requirements for 9-1-1 providers. Specifically, APCO suggested that the emergency...

Public safety is calling the FCC’s 4.9 decision a major win

In a unanimous, bipartisan, 4-0 decision, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is bolstering public safety’s use of the historically underutilized 4.9 GHz spectrum band. The new rules safeguard incumbent operations, establish a process to select a band manager, and make the spectrum available to the FirstNet Authority for 5G deployment on the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network (FirstNet).

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4.9 GHz Band: Review of the FCC Order

On October 22, 2024, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) released its Eighth Report and Order (Eighth R&O) regarding utilization of the 4940-4990 MHz (4.9 GHz) band that protects incumbent users as requested by us, the Public Safety Spectrum Alliance (PSSA). This Eighth R&O addresses a number of issues related to the use of this band by public safety. Please join us for a briefing on this order and how it impacts public safety.

This presentation will be led by Chief Jeff Johnson (ret) and Attorney Jason Karp, one of the nation’s leading experts in public safety spectrum regulations.


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