Comm Center News

County leads 911 upgrade (OH)

After being one of the last counties in Ohio to transition to the 911 system, Carroll County has been on the razor’s edge of the Next Generation 911 system as part of its pilot program. READ FULL ARTICLE

Toledo to contract for 911 dispatch services (WA)

The city of Toledo is currently in negotiations with the Willamette Valley Communications Center in Salem for the handling Toledo’s 911 emergency calls in the future. The city has had its own 911 dispatch center for many years, but staffing shortages and limited...

Kansas lawmakers urged to prioritize telecommunicator CPR

“We’re here today to advocate for S.P.11 to try and provide funding for telecommunicators to be able to help them perform CPR over the phone if they aren’t certified, and to be able to recognize when it’s time to start CPR,” said Richmond Carson, who performed...

Upcoming Webinar

4.9 GHz Band: Review of the FCC Order

On October 22, 2024, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) released its Eighth Report and Order (Eighth R&O) regarding utilization of the 4940-4990 MHz (4.9 GHz) band that protects incumbent users as requested by us, the Public Safety Spectrum Alliance (PSSA). This Eighth R&O addresses a number of issues related to the use of this band by public safety. Please join us for a briefing on this order and how it impacts public safety.

This presentation will be led by Chief Jeff Johnson (ret) and Attorney Jason Karp, one of the nation’s leading experts in public safety spectrum regulations.


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